GEORGE JACOBS, FRANK SINATRA's long time butler and personal valet during the legendary RAT PACK years, has provided a firsthand eyewitness account of Pin Up Girl JEANNE CARMEN's relationship with FRANK SINATRA and MARILYN MONROE in his autobiography MR. S: MY LIFE WITH FRANK SINATRA
JACOBS states "JEANNE CARMEN was a classic blonde starlet and pinup girl with one of the most perfect figures in Hollywood."
CARMEN "also had an unusual skill, as a trick-shot golfer."
SINATRA "really liked JEANNE, whom he dated both when he was down, and after he was up again."
JACOBS also states that FRANK SINATRA set him up with an apartment in the early sixties along with JEANNE CARMEN and MARILYN MONROE in a building owned by SINATRA at 882 North Doheny Drive in West Hollywood. The building was knicknamed "THE SINATRA ARMS" because SINATRA used the complex as a safehouse for his girlfriends and cronies.
JACOBS specifically states that the people living in the complex in the early sixties "in addition to MARILYN and me" was SINATRA's "longtime on-off bedmate JEANNE CARMEN, who became MARILYN's best girlfriend."
GEORGE JACOBS' testimony is monumental because it is an eyewitness validation of CARMEN's claims and directly contradicts those who have tried to taint CARMEN's relationship with MONROE.
Source: ^ Jacobs, George (2003). Mr. S: My Life with Frank Sinatra. HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 76-78, 154-155. ISBN 0-06-051516-3.