Investigative journalist Anthony Summers has published the New York Times bestseller GODDESS: THE SECRET LIVES OF MARILYN MONROE.
Among the revelations was new evidence on the long-rumored affairs between Monroe and President John F. Kennedy and his brother Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.
Summers had tracked down Jeanne Carmen, who was then living in Newport Beach, California, and interviewed her extensively about her career and relationships with such notable Hollywood entertainers as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford and Monroe.
Carmen confirmed that she was present during romantic trysts between President Kennedy and Monroe that took place at Lawford’s Santa Monica beachhouse.
Carmen also confirmed that she was present during Robert F. Kennedy’s romantic trysts with Monroe and that, on a dare, the threesome ventured out to a nude beach in Malibu north of Point Dume. Kennedy wore a disguise made up of a baseball cap, sunglasses and fake goatee-style beard most likely borrowed from the studio makeup and FX department at Monroe’s studio 20th Century Fox
Source: ^ Summers, Anthony (1985). Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe. Macmillan Publishing Company, 25,232,252,282,330,334,348,353,354,368,369,on Monroe and drugs, 203-4,on Robert Kennedy and Monroe, 257-60. ISBN 0-451-40014-3